A Typical Day in Toddler
A typical day for Toddlers begins with the students carrying their bags to the door, and greeting their teachers with a handshake and a warm “good morning!” before placing their belongings on their own special hooks. Then, after a goodbye kiss for Mom or Dad, changing their shoes to slippers, and putting their shoes in the proper bins, it’s off to work.
The first hour of the day is spent exploring and discovering the classroom under the guidance of their teachers while doing hands-on work with the Montessori materials. Students are given individual lessons on the materials and offered the opportunity to choose, complete, and return the work to the appropriate shelf. In addition to working on language, small and large motor skills, and forming the basis for further academic work, children also spend time on care-of-self activities, such as toileting, dressing or undressing, washing hands, setting up their own snack, etc.
After an hour, children are called together for circle time. Once everyone settles in, teachers lead the children through various songs and activities. At the end of the activity, the children are dismissed individually to go get their coats and boots to go outside, where we believe they learn as much as they do inside. The Toddlers enjoy their outside environment and special playground, which is fenced in to create a secure area for their activities.
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